IIRA communicates its opinions on ratings to investors and other stakeholders through symbols. The definitions of ratings are explained in this document.
Gradations of creditworthiness or the level of compliance is indicated by rating symbols, with each symbol representing a group in which the credit characteristics or level of compliance are broadly the same. The symbols are specific to the rating in question and are provided with accompanying definitions in this document.
International scale ratings express the ability of an entity to meet its international obligations in foreign currency. These ratings are largely capped by the sovereign ceiling and are comparable in the global context.
Local currency ratings on an international scale express the ability of an entity to meet its obligations in its local or domestic currency and may be higher than foreign currency ratings.
National scale ratings express the ability of an entity to meet its domestic obligations in its local or domestic currency, within the national context. These ratings assume the local sovereign to be the best risk in the domestic context and anchored at AAA.
In the event that IIRA deems that, as a result of lack of cooperation with regard to the provision of information or for any other reason, it is not possible to assess the current status of the assigned rating, it will be suspended..
The three outlooks 'Positive', 'Stable' and 'Negative' qualify the potential direction of the assigned rating(s). An outlook is not necessarily a precursor of a rating change.
IIRA places entities and issues on 'Watch-list' when it deems that there are conditions present that necessitate re-evaluation of the assigned rating(s). A 'Watch-list' announcement means that the status of the assigned rating(s) is uncertain and an event or deviation from an expected trend has occurred or is expected and additional information is necessary to take a rating action.
Default is defined as an issuer’s failure to meet its obligation on time. The circumstances leading to default may be obligor’s unwillingness or inability to pay.
Short-term ratings provide an estimation of repayment capacity over a future time horizon of up to one year. Long-term ratings indicate repayment capacity over a 2-3 year time horizon.
IIRA uses a scale of AAA to C to rate credit worthiness of the issuer and long term issues with AAA being the highest possible rating and C being the lowest possible rating.
IIRA appends modifiers + or - to each generic rating classification from AA through B. The modifier + indicates that the obligation ranks in the higher end of its generic rating category; no modifier indicates a mid-range ranking; and the modifier - indicates a ranking in the lower end of that generic rating category.
The suffix R indicates that the assigned rating is restricted in terms of not being applicable to or relevant to a particular currency or jurisdiction.
IIRA uses a scale of A1+ to C to rate credit worthiness of the issuer and its short term obligations, with A1+ being the highest possible rating and C being the lowest possible rating.
The long term obligations rated BBB- and above are considered investment grade while obligations rated BB+ and below are sub-investment grade.
IIRA is sponsored by multilateral development institutions, leading banks, other financial institutions and rating agencies. Its shareholders operate from eleven countries which constitute the agency’s primary marketing focus.
The short term obligations rated A3 & above are investment grade while short term obligations rated B and C are sub-investment grade.
The suffix R indicates that the assigned rating is restricted in terms of not being applicable to or relevant to a particular currency or jurisdiction.
Plus/minus (+/-) signs: A plus (+) or minus (-) sign may be added to the ratings to show the relative standing of the obligor/Sovereign within a category. These signs are only added to the ratings from 'AA' to 'B'.
The three outlooks 'Positive', 'Stable' and 'Negative' qualify the potential direction of the assigned rating(s). An outlook is not necessarily a precursor of a rating change.
High certainty of timely payment. Liquidity factors are excellent and supported by good fundamental protection factors. Risk factor are minor.
Rating Watch-list:
IIRA places entities and issues on 'Watch-list' when it deems that there are conditions present that necessitate re-evaluation of the assigned rating(s). A 'Watch-list' announcement means that the status of the assigned rating(s) is uncertain and an event or deviation from an expected trend has occurred or is expected and additional information is necessary to take a rating action.
Definition of Default:
Default is defined as an issuer’s failure to meet its obligation on time. The circumstances leading to default are obligor’s unwillingness to pay or inability to pay.
In the event that IIRA deems that, as a result of lack of cooperation with regard to the provision of information or for any other reason, it is not possible to assess the current status of the assigned rating will be suspended.
Rating(s) are withdrawn in the following situations:
IIRA appends modifiers ‘+’ or ‘–’ (plus or minus) to each generic rating classification from AA through B. The modifier ‘+’ indicates that the entity ranks in the higher end of its generic rating category; no modifier indicates a mid-range ranking; and the modifier ‘–’ indicates a ranking in the lower end of that generic rating category.
IIRA uses a scale of AAA (sq) to B (SQ) to rate Shari'a Quality Compliance with AAA (sq) being the highest possible rating and B (SQ) being the lowest possible rating.
IIRA appends modifiers + or - to each generic rating classification from AA through B. The modifier + indicates that the obligation ranks in the higher end of its generic rating category; no modifier indicates a mid-range ranking; and the modifier - indicates a ranking in the lower end of that generic rating category.
IIRA uses a scale of AAA to C to rate credit worthiness of the issuer and long term issues with AAA being the highest possible rating and C being the lowest possible rating.
The obligations having an original maturity not exceeding one year are considered short term. IIRA uses a scale of A1+ to C to rate credit worthiness of short term obligations, with A1+ being the highest possible rating and C being the lowest possible rating.
IIRA uses a scale of CGR-1 to 10 to rate Corporate Governance with CGR-10 being the highest possible rating and CGR-1 being the lowest possible rating.